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Chadron’s Classics In The Park Car Show will be the host for the 2019 Vintage Chevrolet Club of America Mile High Region 43rd Middle West Meet June 10th through the 14th. The Vintage Chevrolet Club of American is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation, restoration and enjoyment of Chevrolets and GMC cars and trucks.The Club has over 80 regions and chapters including clubs in Europe. 

 The Mile High Region is headquartered out of Denver and has members in five states who will be coming to Chadron for the meet. The classic cars and trucks are restored to the way they came out of the factory when they were new. Engines, bodies, and accessories are the way they were when the vehicle was sold new. The classic cars will start rolling in to town Monday June 10, they will have a welcoming party that night at the Best Western motel. The registrants are being encouraged to visit the area on their own Monday. 

 The group expects as many as 85 of the classics to attend this summers event in Chadron which will include several banquets, a car show on Tuesday and cookout hosted by the Chadron Classics In the Park Car Show and cruises in Chadron and a plaque driving tour to Fort Robinson State Park. The car show and cookout on Tuesday will be at Wilson Park in the afternoon. The public is welcome to see the vintage Chevrolets and GMC’s in the park and can join the Vintage Chevrolet Club members for the cookout following the awards program at 5 p.m.. The cookout is free to the members, with a small charge to the public. This will be a good time to welcome them to Chadron and talk cars with them.

 The group chose Chadron as its 2019 host site after learning of the Chadron Classics In The Park Car Show. A member of the Vintage Chevrolet Show attended the show in 2018 and was impressed with the show and Chadron and organized this years show with the help of Chadron’s group. Besides the beautiful line of cars and trucks the community will see the group will make a significant contribution to the economy over their four day stay.