Please read the current guidelines for Dawes County grants before filling out any application. Please only use the current version of the application forms listed below (Revised 2023). Any prior versions will not be accepted. To submit an application or grant report online, click on the button for the appropriate form below. Please note, this does require you to complete the form in one sitting; there is no option to save and return to your work.
To complete the form offline, scroll to “Traditional Application Process,” download your form, complete and return it. All grants are on a reimbursable basis and require a grant report and receipts to be submitted before funding.
For any questions, please contact Discover Northwest Nebraska Director Kerri Rempp.
Email: | Phone: 308-432-3006
Under Nebraska law, the promotion fund is to be used generally to promote and attract visitors to come to the county and use the travel and tourism facilities located here. The fund can be used for marketing of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists to Dawes County and will be distributed on a reimbursement basis.
The grants are available to any public or non-profit organization which has a primary purpose of bringing visitors to the county. Visitor events and festivals must be in a defined location, open to the public, and of educational, cultural, historical, artistic or recreational significance, or provide entertainment, or have exhibits, displays or performances of educational, cultural, historic artistic or entertainment value. Non-profit organizations that provide lodging may also be eligible for an ad campaign promotion grant. Refer to the guidelines for more information.
All grants awarded by the Dawes County Travel Board are subject to final approval by the Dawes County Board of Commissioners.
Promotion grant applications will be reviewed at the monthly Travel Board meeting, typically held the first Tuesday of the month. Applications may be submitted to the by mail to PO Box 746, Chadron, NE 69337, by email to or completed and submitted online by using the links below. *NOTE: The online form requires you to upload budget worksheets/receipts. You can download the worksheets for the Promotion grants by clicking on the “Budget Worksheet” link below. Please use and upload the appropriate form for the application or report you are submitting. The worksheet and receipts for the grant report must be submitted in one document. Users of the online form must have a Google account and have space in their Google Drive.
Public, private and non-profit entities may also be eligible for merchandising or website development grant. The entity must serve teh tourism industry in some capacity and will only be eligible for one of these grants in its lifetime. The grants are limited in number and max out at $1,000. Refer to the guidelines for additional eligibility details. The Travel Board will consider these grant applications quarterly in July, October, January and April.
*NOTE: The online form requires you to upload budget worksheets/receipts. You can download the worksheets for the grant by clicking on the “Budget Worksheet” link below. Please use and upload the appropriate form for the application or report you are submitting (merchandising & website grants use the Promotion Worksheet). The worksheet and receipts for the grant report must be submitted in one document. Users of the online form must have a Google account and have space in their Google Drive.
Dawes County began collecting money for the Visitors Improvement Fund on July 1, 2014. Under Nebraska law, the fund is to be used generally to promote and attract visitors to come to the county and use the travel and tourism facilities located here. The fund can be used to improve visitor attractions and facilities, by making grants to expand and improve existing facilities, acquire or expand exhibits for existing attractions, construct visitor attractions, or for planning or developing expansion, improvements or construction.
The grants are available for any attraction in the county owned by the public or any non-profit organization which has a primary purpose of operating the attraction. Visitor attractions must be in a defined location, open to the public, and of educational, cultural, historical, artistic or recreational significance, or provide entertainment, or have exhibits, displays or performances of educational, cultural, historic artistic or entertainment value.
All grants awarded by the Dawes County Travel Board are subject to final approval by the Dawes County Board of Commissioners.
Improvement grant applications will be reviewed in July, October, January and April and funds are allocated based on substantial completion. Applications may be submitted to the by mail to PO Box 746, Chadron, NE 69337, by email to or completed and submitted online by using the links below. *NOTE: The online form requires you to upload budget worksheets/receipts. You can download the worksheets for the Improvement grants by clicking on the “Budget Worksheet” link below. Please use and upload the appropriate form for the application or report you are submitting. The worksheet and receipts for the grant report must be submitted in one document. Users of the online form must have a Google account and have space in their Google Drive.
Not sure about submitting your application online? No problem! Download the appropriate application form below to your computer to be filled out and email it to, mail it to PO Box 746, Chadron, NE 69337 or drop it by our offices in person at 706 W. 3rd St., Chadron.
Below are examples of projects that have received grant funding in the past.
Some of Our Past Improvement Grant Projects:
Dawes County Museum – Marcus Cain Building, Erixson/Larsen Exhibit Building
Chadron State Park – 18 Hole Disc Golf Course
City of Crawford – Crawford Park Complex
Chadron Chamber of Commerce – Visitors Center Lobby Renovation
Crawford Chamber of Commerce – Downtown Beautification (Seasonal Banners)
City of Chadron – Chadron Aquatics Center
Post Playhouse – Projection System, Theatre Seating Upgrades
Crawford Chamber of Commerce – Crawford Information Booth Renovation
Chadron Community Foundation/Chadron Sharks – Starting blocks at the Chadron Area Aquatic and Wellness Center
Chadron Community Foundation/Downtown Plaza – Plaza space improvements
Northwest Nebraska Trails Association – Cowboy Trail engineering study and improvements
Some of Our Past Promotion Grants:
Crawford Legend Buttes Rumble
Post Playhouse
Old West Trails Rodeo
Fur Trade Days
Peabody Hale Fiddle Contest
Ride the Ridge
Crawford 4th of July Celebration
Crawford Eclipse
Crawford Senior Pro Rodeo
Crawford Cattle Call
Dawes County Fair
Pine Ridge Wild Turkey Hunt
Pilster Lecture and Sandoz Conference
Native American Film Festival
Crawford Mud Racing
Chadron Chamber Harvest Fest
Chadron Festival of Quilts
Twisted Crawdad Trails Race
Chadron Hoop Shoot
Nebraska State Fly In (Chadron)
13U Regional Baseball Tournament
Bands on Bordeaux
White River Wacipi
Run for the Hills & Pedal Grinder
Chadron Classics in the Park
Western Wildlife Art Show
Harvest Moon Fall Festival
Some of Our Past Improvement Grant Projects:
Some of Our Past Promotion Grants:
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