

Big Game. Small Game. Lake and Stream Fishing. You’ll find it all in Northwest Nebraska. Book a trip with a private landowner or explore thousands of acres of public access land.


Acres of Lakes & Reservoirs


coldwater streams & Rivers


Acres of Public Access


Northwest Nebraska is home to elk, deer, antelope, bighorn sheep, mountain lion and a wide variety of small game and waterfowl. Work on your Upland Slam, or stalk the highly-sought after Merriam turkey. For information on seasons, zones and permitting, visit the Nebraska Game and Parks. To explore public lands that are accessible in Northwest Nebraska, visit the G&P Public Access Guide, the G&P Public Hunting map, or the G&P Waterfowl Map and check out our Parks & Wildlands page for more ideas. 


Nebraska anglers can complete their entire Trout Slam in Northwest Nebraska. Fish the local streams for brook, brown, rainbow and cutthroat trout. Some of the populations are self-sustaining, while others are stocked. Other species available in Northwest Nebraska streams and lakes include blue catfish, bluegill, channel catfish, crappie, largemouth bass, northern pike, rock bass, smallmouth bass, walleye, yellow perch and white bass. Visit the G&P Interactive Fishing map to find fishing access points and check out our Parks & Wildlands page for more information on  regional Wildlife Management and State Recreation Areas that offer fishing . And don’t forget to join us in the winter for ice fishing, too. Whitney Lake is the home of the annual Whitney Ice Fishing Tournament, held each January by the Whitney Dock Club


Northwest Nebraska offers several options for some fun on the water. Box Butte State Recreation Area and Whitney Lake each offer boat ramps, while the Chadron City Reservoirs provide restricted, non-motorized boating access. If you’re more interested in kayaking or tubing, those activities are also possible at Box Butte SRA and Fort Robinson State Park.  Visit the G&P’s Public Boating Access map.