Bingo Challenge Issued to Support Northwest Nebraska
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Discover Northwest Nebraska will launch a social media challenge March 30 in an effort to show support to local businesses as they work to meet your needs in these uncertain times.

As the State of Nebraska continues to monitor the spread of COVID-19, many Northwest Nebraska businesses in Dawes and Sioux counties have changed their hours or business delivery models to follow the recommended guidelines issued by the CDC. Starting March 30, Discover Northwest Nebraska is urging residents and visitors to the region to show their support for local businesses and have a bit of fun with Northwest Nebraska Bingo, all while following current CDC recommendations.

“Our regional businesses have stepped up to continue to provide much-needed services during the ongoing pandemic. Supporting local business is always the right thing to do for the area’s economy, but as the current situation continues, our community can re-double its efforts and help our local businesses sustain themselves until things return to normal,” said Discover Northwest Nebraska Director Kerri Rempp. “The launch of the Northwest Nebraska Bingo challenge brings a bit of fun into doing what’s right, and we hope to continue the challenge throughout the summer as we encourage staycations and regional tourism. Details on Northwest Nebraska Bingo after April 30 will be released as they become available.”

Northwest Nebraska Bingo is easy to play. Between March 30 and April 30, find the Northwest Nebraska Bingo card on one of Northwest Nebraska’s social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linked In). Over the course of the month, take a photo of yourself or your family completing all of the actions on the card at eight different Dawes or Sioux county businesses. Share the photos on Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #NWNebraskaBingo. Once you’ve completed your card and posted all of your photos, send your name, address, email and social media handle (for the account you posted your photos to) to Everyone who completes a Bingo Card in its entirety will be entered to win one of three giveaways of $50 in Chadron and Crawford Chamber Bucks.

Printed Bingo cards will also be available at the Chadron Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau, and photos can be emailed to the address above for participants who do not have social media accounts. The challenge will end at 11:59 p.m. MT April 30, 2020.