4 Lessons from Northwest Nebraska Tourism
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Northwest Nebraska Tourism Intern
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Hi, my name is Kylee Odenbach and I spent the summer interning at Northwest Nebraska Tourism. Northwest Nebraska holds some great treasures that everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime! Let me tell you a little bit about the great riches of Northwest Nebraska.

1.You can’t beat the great people of Northwest Nebraska.

Nebraska, in general, is known for harboring great, caring people. After working for Northwest Nebraska Tourism, I will vouch for that 110 percent. The people that I have met while interning here have been incredible. Business owners around Dawes and Sioux County have been friendly as could be! People around this area are constantly providing assistance and offering their time, free of charge. Make sure to visit Northwest Nebraska because you can’t beat the people, so you may as well join them.

2. Northwest Nebraskans have fun.

People in Northwest Nebraska like to have fun, and if there isn’t anything organized going on, they create their own fun. There may not be as many activities going on in Northwest Nebraska compared to New York City, but the people still always have a good time. I have found that people around this area sincerely enjoy each other’s company and visits. Hiking, biking, rodeo, boating, concerts, or just sitting on a front porch in conversation are a few ways Northwest Nebraskans entertain themselves. Heck, if you come out for Fur Trade Days, you can even throw a fresh buffalo chip at the World Championship Buffalo Chip Throw! Come to Northwest Nebraska if you’re itching to have some fun!

3. The work ethic is real!

The work ethic of Northwest Nebraskans is one-of-a-kind. The people here have their fun, but they also work twice as hard as they play. Whether it’s a local business owner, a rancher, a farmer, or a family business, Northwest Nebraskans know how to grind. I think that’s what gives this part of the state such a great reputation. The people I have met in Dawes and Sioux Counties work extremely hard, which in my experience translates to progressive and productive community. This work ethic is contagious and inspired me to work even harder in life.

4.Who knew Nebraska had such beauty and history?

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While working for Northwest Nebraska Tourism, I had the opportunity to see some of the unique beauty that Nebraska has to offer. I visited Chadron State Park, the Cliffs Trailhead Recreation Area in the Nebraska National Forest, and, of course, Fort Robinson State Park. Chadron State Park is beyond gorgeous and offers so many activities for tourists! Horseback riding, swimming, biking, hiking, camping, and many other great hobbies are available at the park. The Cliffs Trailhead almost gave me a stomach ache just because I’m scared of heights, but it’s very impressive to see! It has some amazing trails for hiking. Fort Robinson is my favorite Northwest Nebraska attraction. The history that took place at the Fort is beyond belief. Today, Fort Robinson offers hunting, hiking, camping, kayaking, and many other recreational activities, not to mention the gorgeous butte views.

Northwest Nebraska Tourism has taught me that Nebraska is a great place to live and visit for countless reasons. Visit Northwest Nebraska to meet some great people, see the beauty of Nebraska, have some fun, and be inspired by the amazing work ethic they have to offer!