The Northwest Nebraska Rock Club has hosted the Crawford Rock Swap for more than 30 years at the Crawford City Park over Labor Day weekend.
Rockhounds of all ages enjoy trading their finds with the many vendors who participate in the swap, and daily field trips allow new and experienced rockhounds to add to their collections. The event also includes an auction, hot dog feed and the annual Fairburn Agate Collectors Gathering.
Buy, sell, and swap rocks, minerals, Agates, gems and jewelry. Located at Crawford City Park.
Gates open daily at 8 a.m. Admission is free.
8 a.m. – Field Trips to the Agate Gravel Beds. Meet at the Information Booth
2 p.m. – Agate Collectors Meeting with Guest Speakers, Cameco Pavilion
7 p.m. – Rock Auction, Cameco Pavilion
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